Ankur Seeds carries out extensive Breeding Research on its 300 acres of exclusive & dedicated research farms. Besides, we own poly-houses & net-houses to carry out our varying breeding projects that happen round the year.
New products' testing is carried out across 30 satellite and multi-location centres in India. 60,000 sq ft Breeding Support Centre located at Neri, near Nagpur has state-of-the-art labs pertaining to Molecular Biology, Plant tissue culture, & Entomology, Pathology, Plant Physiology and biochemistry Divisions. Our team comprises around 200 creative, efficient, and dynamic plant breeders and technicians.
We use advanced plant genomics tools that has helped us to gather extensive knowledge of our own germplasm base and improve our breeding precision. Marker Assisted Selection & Classical Breeding forms the base of all our breeding projects.
SNP markers are used for developing germplasm as well as for designing hybrids that improves grain and fruit quality, yield, disease resistance and other agronomically important traits. To pace-up our breeding process and broaden germplasm base, Dihaploid technique is routinely used for crops like rice and chilly. We've adopted wide hybridization through embryo rescue leading to transfer of resistance traits of wild species into cultivated genotypes against a number of biotic and abiotic stresses.
We understand that being futuristic and planning the action to find sustainable solutions for farmers is where our success lies. We're also conducting transgenic research in cotton, rice and vegetable crops to improve their insect resistance, abiotic stress tolerance and virus resistance. We're also in the process of identifying germplasm that will offer resistance to pests like brown plant hopper, thrips, jassids, bacterial leaf blight, blast and virus etc.
Extensive resistance screening projects are underway in our Entomology and Pathology Departments. Our team of experts on an ongoing basis assesses the symptoms and diagnoses the disease by carrying out wide scale hot spot screenings in field as well as artificial conditions. Nutrient and water use efficiency projects are undertaken at our Plant Physiology Division. Analyzing the quality parameters of our products is vital to determine the marketability of the product. Biochemical and nutritional parameters are routinely evaluated in the Biochemistry laboratory.
We have recently added an innovative technology like Cytoplasmic Genetic Male Sterility (CGMS), that will help us to utilize genetic uniformity, lead to simplified and cost effective seed production of Brinjal. This technology is ready to be licensed to our counterparts across the globe. We're also working on is producing Lintless Cotton crop which is again going to be a production friendly technology.
Our advanced R & D that conducts research empowers us to touch achieve new milestones. Our R & D department is supervised by a team of diligent & dedicated researchers who're experts in their domain. Our organization has evolved to keep a pace with the fast-changing plant biotechnology.
After having achieved development of specific seed variety, we are focusing on supplying the same in large quantities to meet the needs. Our production farmers or growers are lending us a huge helping hand, working with us like partners in the business activity. The cultivation process and final output is monitored by company officials from time to time. Ankur acknowledges the tremendous contribution of the seed growing farmers of their unstinted support to help the company grow from strength to strength.
Association & Collaboration:
In last 40 years we have formed strong alliance with leading Agricultural Universities & Laboratories in U.S.A., Australia, Germany, and Philippines, and World Level Consortium of Technology Service Providers. We are associated with Indian Agricultural Universities like PDKV Akola, MPKV Rahuri, PAU Ludhiana; as well as institutions like CICR, IARI and other research affiliates under ICAR.
We have collaborated with National and International service providers for marker-assisted breeding projects to develop drought & disease resistant seed varieties in vegetable and rice. We also develop high yielding, economical hybrids/varieties seeds based on farmer's requirement. We also conduct training workshops & provide technical advice to farmers through live field demonstrations. The legacy of company's research has been proven time and again, as it has released and notified hybrids in many varieties of crops.